How to Find and Kill Processes Running on Port - kill it with fire

If you’re a software developer, you’ve probably experienced the frustration of needing to kill a process by port, only to spend precious time Googling for the correct command. It’s a situation that arises more often than we’d like, whether we’re dealing with network-related issues or stubborn applications that refuse to relinquish a port. This blog post introduces an incredible solution that aims to alleviate this pain: Fire, a free and open-source shell script that simplifies the process of killing processes by port.

The Pain of Googling

When you find yourself in a situation where you need to kill a process by port, it can be frustrating to sift through various search results to find the correct command. Not only does this waste valuable time, but it also hinders your overall productivity. This pain point is especially felt when dealing with complex or time-sensitive tasks, where every minute counts.

Kill it with Fire 🔥

Fire is designed to help software developers overcome this obstacle by providing a quick and efficient solution to kill processes by port or name. Its open-source nature means that you can easily access and customize the code to suit your needs. No more searching for the right command or browsing through endless forums - Fire is your one-stop solution for killing processes.

Fire is available at the following GitHub repository: evpgh/fire

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    How to Use Fire

    Getting started with Fire is a breeze. Follow these simple steps:

    • Clone the repository or download the script from evpgh/fire
    • Make the script executable by running chmod +x
    • Execute the script with the desired port number: ./ <port_number> or create a shortcut to the script by running ln -s $(pwd)/ /usr/local/bin/fire
    • Profit 💰
      ❯ fire 4000
       2 processes are no more.

    MacOS Shortcut

    After cloning the repo, you can also add a shortcut to the script by running the following command: ln -s $(pwd)/ /usr/local/bin/fire